Gateway Gift Trust Board – Calling for annual grant applications for 2025
The Gateway Gift is a fund of the LCNZ which makes available funds for use in Lutheran Congregations in New Zealand for Ministry Projects.
Applications for 2025 funding are now open. The applications close on 31 August 2024 and will be considered at the GGTB meeting on 14 September 2024.
Applications are reviewed by Gateway Trustees and decisions to fund are determined based on the application’s objectives, prior access to funding, and other documentation presented in the application as well as alignment of the project’s objectives to the principles for allocation funds as stated in the Gateway Gift Trust Board’s Trust Deed.
Principles for the Allocation of Funds (Gateway Gift Trust Board, Trustees Handbook 2018, p.29)
“The primary object and purpose for which the Trust is established is to promote the Christian faith by providing financial assistance to the LCNZ and its entities to enable the LCNZ to fulfil its charitable objects and purposes, including without limitation, by:
- Providing resources to assist the LCNZ fulfil the mission of the Christian Church in the world by proclaiming the Word of God and administering the Sacraments in accordance with the Confession of the LCNZ;
- Providing resources for the training, equipping and oversight of pastors, teachers and other church workers and all the people of God, for service in congregations and other ministries of the Church;
- Providing resources for the establishment, development, support and oversight of new and existing congregations; and
- Providing resources to minister to human need and care for the environment in the name of the Lord.
The secondary objects and purposes are:
To carry on any other charitable objectives which may seem to be capable of being conveniently carried on in connection with the above charitable objects or calculated directly or indirectly to advance the above charitable objects.
GGTB has implemented a reporting process to ensure that the objectives of allocated funds are being met. While this is an accountability measure, it is also best practice with many funding organisations. Details of this reporting requirement are outlined in the approved funding correspondence.
To this end, GGTB provides guidance for the reporting process by providing a template for reporting purposes. Reports will be due each year, if you are reapplying for a further major grant, at the time of the major grant applications, that is 31st August. Otherwise, written reports are due within three months of completion of the project or at the end of the period of funding to the Gateway Gift Trust Board. Written reports should be provided as a pdf or Word file and emailed to
For application forms please go here: GGTB Grant Applications